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Fake influencers: The agents of manufactured reality

 Fake influencers: The agents of manufactured reality

How many public figures do you follow on various social media platforms?
It’s great to be up-to-date with what’s going on in their life, isn’t it?
Maybe you’re a big fan of his/her work or post feed. Their presence on social media ensures that they stay relevant to the culture and give their followers a chance to get a peek into their lives.
A good amount of following can be used to create awareness, raise money for a cause and create a strong community. On the flip-side, it can also be used to push products/courses that benefit only the ones who sell them, and imbibe ideologies that are biased and serve no good to society. Many of such influencers sell us manufactured reality time and time again.
It can severely affect our well-being as being the consumers of the same.

There’s a lot of political tension in the world. People divide themselves based on countries, beliefs, races, genders, and ideologies. Most of them are just driven by selective people who are followed by the masses. Not only it divides the people, but it also restricts them from deciding what’s right for them. You listen to your parents and you might not always agree with them. And I agree that they might be wrong as well, but we all know that the ultimate purpose of their thoughts or actions is our progress.
What about the certain politicians and public figures you’ve been listening to?
They don’t care what you do as long as their agenda is being followed by the masses. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t support anyone. I’m just asking you to think once before you accept any ideology.
With that being said, now don’t say that I’m trying to influence your thinking in some way.๐Ÿ˜‚ 

 I’m not your parent but it’s for your good.

I have a friend that I must tell you about. You might know him or maybe, you are that person. As he graduated from high school, he wanted to do something great. In the process, he started following people who claimed to motivate and help people reach their goals.
Everything was great until he started getting frustrated because of his poor results even after following the things that they preached. Moreover, the lifestyle that they showed made him feel bad about his’.(Most of which was just too exaggerated and most possibly fake!)
He wanted all the things that were being shown in the posts. His definition of success changed from doing great work to attending pool parties with bikini-clad women, driving sports cars, and having unlimited access to weed and alcohol.
He was more focused on his lifestyle to convince himself that he’s doing good in his life. Now, this might be us in a lot of ways. I still remember the days when I was sad about my tanned skin just because my favorite actor endorsed a fairness cream!
Some of you might have been sad about your weight or eating disorders and some of you are insecure about your looks. Many people feel discontent about their “imperfect” life whenever they see someone that has something they don’t.



What makes you feel bad about your life?
Fear, disgust, and anger are some of the basic negative emotions. These emotions are being leveraged by political parties, marketing companies, and influencers for us to make choices based on them.
You think of losing weight for better health, there’s always a course that claims to make you slim in a month(Without Exercise!)
You’re struggling through a breakup and want to move on, there’s always a course to make you a confident alpha man/alpha woman in 15 days!
You want the best for your country, there’s a lot of politicians who will brainwash you to push their agenda.
Notice a common theme here?
All your emotions are being used to make you take decisions that aren’t yours.
You might think, who would take such weird courses?
Well, some people would do anything to get rid of their insecurities.
To tell you, there’s a course that will make you an entrepreneur in 6 months.
If this is true by any chance, the government should use a big chunk of its money to train the youth for becoming entrepreneurs.


Eleanor Brown


We can’t control our emotions and I don’t expect you to do that cause we’re all human beings. Keeping negativities inside will only make you vulnerable to making wrong decisions. Instead, you can promise yourself that you won’t be a follower of any person. You’d only follow a person by pressing the follow button and not by accepting all the things that they show you. Admire a person’s quality instead of accepting him/her as your role model and believing that the person is perfect in all aspects.
Only you know what makes you happy. You may want a lot of things but only the things that you genuinely care about will make you satisfied. Rest all are the means to impress people you don’t even care about at the cost of your happiness.

Social media platforms are wonderful to express thoughts and ideas to the world. Selling something is good as well. As long as you feel pleasure in using those platforms, it’s great!
But as soon as you feel jealousy, anger, or any other drive while scrolling, acknowledge your emotions and move on. Think twice before you react or get hurt emotionally.
And most importantly, don’t let anyone make you feel bad about your own life.
Every post of that six-packed millionaire is meant to expand his cannabis business, every post of that Instagram model is meant to sell her cosmetics; so don’t feel bad about yourself.
They’re doing just their job.
You have a beautiful life and you have all that you need!

Huh! I wish someone had told me these things back when I was insecure about myself.
Before I stop writing, I would like to mention a few of the public figures that spit the bitter truth of life on all the social media platforms.
Gary Vaynerchuk, Jordan Peterson, and Kobe Bryant(late) are the ones who paint a real picture about life, success, and happiness.
Don’t take my word for sure, it’s all on you!
Last but not the least, you can follow me on the social media platforms linked below if you think that my words have helped you in any way. Your comments on this post will mean a lot to me.
See you all soon, Take care!



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  1. Bro, awesome writing. Keep going..

    1. Thank you very much Ayush! Yes, I'll keep writing!

  2. Brilliant article brother, these fake influencers and the negativity of social media is corrupting our minds daily and we don't know. I hope this article will help people understand their values better

    1. Yes! And the surprising part is, everyone goes through this phase. I thought I should address it somehow. Thanks for your compliment and support๐Ÿ˜

  3. Awesome, keep going bruh !!!!!

    1. Thank you bruh! I'm glad that you think that this post is awesome๐Ÿ˜
      This support means a lot to me!

  4. Wooh , Really you read my mind I am in search of these article I gotta you. The story that you said about guys is closely similar to me . It had just happen few days ago but now things got clear because of you .I am guys spending time in socialmedia and waste my time and after that I realised the mistake .This goes on every day cycle but now I am change. Due to this reason I had rarely go through instagram,facebook and also in Linkedin .
    Today I am doing one surf just try it by youself. I hope everyone is Live on Instagram so just try to reduce the following of yours (specially the unwanted articles/post which are highly sensitive to you) or if you have no idea just do it randomly but try to reduce. After this just wait till a week with one condition that never to follow them again .At a particular point you will see some difference in you it may be good or bad never mind but one thing will change that you will never spent much time on Instagram now and also you we feel much better than early one.
    Why I am saying so because as we growup our demand also increase and this demand are highly increase through socialmedia. This lead to highly increase expenditure if you can't afford then you end up with sadness/drepression. I know some of people can't believe it but I guarrented ki ye ek din mai jaaror aayega aur tab tume pata chalega ye chiz.So just don't worry guys just chill do that surf.
    I am glad to my friend Suyash Salvi had taken up this point as early as possible. He had examined and expressed it very well. Dont forget to do that Surf

    Your's friend :

    dATa...gOT coRRUPeTeD ........
    REquireD .. tO .... eNCRYpT
    tRY noT To fINd

    1. surf === stuff ���� My bad

    2. I'm glad that you're out of that addictive cycle. Social media is addictive for sure!
      Many people use it to their advantage but on the other side, it also causes depression.
      Of course, we're just humans and manipulating us using our own emotions is what most sellers do. If the product is a solution to an issue and it's worth the money, merry Christmas!
      But what about the things that are sold just to make money?
      Social media is a place where people hide their insecurities to impress people.
      I'm happy that you've realised what was wrong with you and I'm sure you'll be able to take good decisions for yourself.
      Thanks a lot for this detailed comment. Your support means a lot to me๐Ÿ˜

      PS: the data corruption line changed the whole mood๐Ÿ˜‚
      Thanks a lot!

  5. Im so proud of you! You cant even imagine how much!

    1. Thank you Unknown!๐Ÿฅบ
      The fact that you're saying this here means a lot to me. I'm proud of you as well. ๐Ÿ˜‡

  6. Much more needed this type of writting.Thanks bro!

    1. Thank you very much Unknown!
      I'll always try to make such content. I'm glad you enjoyed it๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Amygdala!
      This comment means a lot to me! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  8. A reminder to all of us especially that we are using social media. Nice one! Thanks for this!

    1. I'm happy that you enjoyed reading it Joana. Yes! Social media should be used keeping these things in mind.
      Thanks a lot for the support!

  9. Totally Relatable in today's time.


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