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The Pickpocket

The Pickpocket

Mumbai, a city of dreams, has excellent facilities available to all its citizens. It's a crowded city and an inexperienced guy like me can get into a problem or tense situation while traveling.So, this is another BTS (Bizarre Travelling Story).I had heard about pickpockets and but never saw pickpocketing in person. This incident happened in the first week of March and it's something I'll never forget and would like to share with you guys. Today I'll introduce you to another friend of mine.Monsieur Unpredictable…

I would offer anyone 100 bucks who can predict Monsieur Unpredictable.
It seemed like I can observe people and make recognize the behavioral patterns until I met him.
You'd insult him and he'll still feel nothing about it.
He may get offended sometimes even if you say something with good intentions. He's a lazy guy and walks like a sloth even in a state of urgency. But the same guy reveals his relentless energy while playing soccer.
He may unknowingly hurt a person with his speech, all I know that these are the qualities of an innocent and unpredictable person.
Now some of you might wonder, what is the reason for introducing Monsieur Unpredictable now?
Well, today's episode is all about his pocket and the pickpocket.

My parents got me a new phone after my old phone has an issue with the battery. I'd been using that phone for years till then. Now, it's somewhere in my drawer, dead.
I think I'm kind of a cheapskate because I didn't want to buy a new phone. I've been using my belongings very carefully. Even with a case and a screen protector on, I was afraid to keep my phone on the desk. When I carry my laptop in my bag, I protect it with a layer of towels.

For the first week, I used to keep my phone in my backpack. I didn't even take out my phone to use on my way home if the bus was crowded. I would not dare to board on a crowded bus. Sometimes, Monsieur Unpredictable accompanies me on the bus as he needs to board on the trains running on the central line. He says he saves time by boarding the train at that particular station.
Unpredictable as he always is.

As I've told you, Mumbai is a crowded city with a population of over 10 million. One thing I like about this city is the unity of the people. Mumbai has faced a lot of crises over the years. There were terrorist attacks, pandemics, emergencies but citizens stood strong on their feet to tackle these. When there was a big terrorist attack in Mumbai a few years ago, all the citizens resumed their work the next day it got over.
That's badass spirit!
If a pickpocket is caught by the people, he is either handed over to the cops or manhandled by the people. I've even experienced it in my school when my wallet was stolen. But, I'd never seen someone doing it. This was the first time I witnessed it.

I'd been using the phone for two weeks then, I was waiting for a bus with a lot of vacant seats. I wanted to use my phone without any concern. Monsieur Unpredictable unpredictably accompanied me. I had kept my phone in my bag for the whole day. I took my phone out at the bus stop itself. Everything was the way it is every day. Few people at the bus stop waiting for the bus, looking at the bus, the same cliché shit.

We let around 4 buses pass by us, they were crowded with people. We were waiting for some buses with fewer people in it. Suddenly, I sensed the increased number of people around us. I was scrolling to add some videos to my playlist. I got pushed by a man; I saw he had eyes on my phone. He started looking at the passing vehicles as I stared him in the eyes. He was a man in his 30's. He was medium built with a backpack on his back, and something about him told me that he was an unusual passenger. I was alarmed and this resulted in me keeping my phone inside the bag again. I guess he had noticed that I would board on the same bus Monsieur Unpredictable would. He took a seat at the bus stop.
The increase in the number of people at the same time alerted me that the man wasn't alone.
(To be clear to all of you, it was just my suspicion. He seemed just like us, he seemed like a normal working-class man. I decided to shut down these thoughts and stay calm instead.)

Fortunately, a bus with almost no people in it headed towards the bus stop. It was a short trip bus, justified the reason behind the vacant seats…
I was the first to reach the door. As soon as the halted, a person started pushing me from sideways. I was pissed off by that crackhead's gesture. There were a lot of seats already, why the hell was that guy in a hurry?
I grounded my feet so he couldn't push me further. I boarded on the bus and sat on the seat next to the door.

The guy who was pushing me had managed to be the second person boarding the bus. Monsieur Unpredictable was the next one to get in.  As soon as he took his first step on the stairs, the suspicious man started pushing him. It seemed just like what had happened to me. He had been pushing him from the left side. After realizing that Monsieur Unpredictable wasn't a person to be pushed easily, he started yelling at him. Showing another piece of his Unpredictability, Monsieur lost his cool and started arguing with the guy for pushing him. Ensuring that Monsieur Unpredictable is engaged arguing him on looking sideways, the man got his hand around his right pocket.
His fingers quickly scanned his pocket in search of something he can steal. I was furious. I had my eyes on his pocket; I just wanted to catch that man red-handed.😠

The man was unsuccessful in stealing from Monsieur Unpredictable. Monsieur got inside the bus and sat beside me. I asked him to check his right pocket. He was confused; he still hadn't understood what that man tried to do with his pocket. I told him everything that I saw. He gave a death stare to the man. The man was staring back at him. I guess he had realized that I knew what he did. The man got a seat behind me and I was alert as a Doberman. He asked the conductor for a ticket to the next stop.
What the hell!
He could have walked that distance by the sidewalk, he sure was after our pockets.

As he left, he was really angry about what I saw…
I couldn't do anything.
Maybe I was afraid of my parents' reaction.
Maybe I was afraid of the consequences I would've needed to face after I'd raised my voice against him.
I had no proof against him!
All these reasons resulted in inaction.

The guy who had pushed me while getting inside the bus departed at the same stop. After the bus left the stop, those guys started talking to each other.
Everything was clear as a crystal.
They both were together in this!
And the backpack that the suspicious man was carrying had nothing in it.
It seemed very light! Maybe it served as a bag to keep the stolen belonging.

Monsieur Unpredictable was still speechless. The bus conductor realized that and asked us if anything was wrong. I hesitated at first but finally narrated the incident to the conductor. He seemed like a good man. He said that he sees many people like the man every day, but he can't do anything because of a lack of power. He wasn't a policeman.
After we departed, I waved Monsieur Unpredictable goodbye. He was okay now. He had kept his belongings in his bag. He had a train to catch. I told my parents and friends about this experience. I was expecting some strong reaction but they reacted like they've heard a lot of stories like these before. That's true though, I'm the one who is an inexperienced traveler.

I wished I was Spiderman so I could teach that guy a lesson. I was never bitten by a spider. Even though I've been bitten by a dog, Dogman doesn't sound good to me. I couldn't do anything because I ain't a police officer.
I am just an engineering student…😐

The same night, I was thinking about a lot of things. A lot of questions were arising in my mind…
Should I have raised my voice when I saw him attempting to steal from my friend?
What if that triggered their fight-or-flight response?
What if they had chosen a fight?
And what should be done to protect our belongings to get stolen?
If you have answers to any of my questions, please do answer me in the comment section. I'd love to hear your views on this.😃


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