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The Big Decision (Exams Cancelled)

The Big Decision (Exams Cancelled)

It's a known fact that the COVID-19 has brought the world to a halt. Everyone was trying their best to make the most of their time. Some people were renovating their houses; some were trying out new recipes and some were studying for the exams. The majority of the students were treating this quarantine period as their summer vacation. Perhaps a vacation where you could do anything you want inside your house (Under the supervision of your parents which makes it not very cool). Please don't get me wrong, being able to spend time with your parents is a blessing. The phone usage of students rose significantly resulting in parents telling students how our generation is addicted to the technology. Every generation has pros and cons though. Social media, web series, animes became the part of every student's life. But deep down, every student knew that this was just an escape to forget the fact that exams can be conducted by the university.
That's what the Mumbai University told all the students…

So, Mumbai University had notified all the students under the undergraduate program that exams will not be canceled. Looking at the situation right here, it was apparent that the postponed exams won't be held anytime soon. Hence, all the students were stressed. To talk about the engineering students, they were happy that they got some time with their families. They got some time for themselves from their busy schedules. Many students went to their families who live in different towns before any lockdown was declared. The exams for the engineering students were supposed to be held in May. The lockdown was declared in March and everything has been the same ever since.

Our teachers had already informed us that the exams will be conducted one or the other way. We had to attend the online classes in the lockdown. Due to the lack of preparation for this situation, the online classes didn't seem as effective as the real classrooms. No one was prepared for this; I don't blame the authorities for that. No cars were running on the streets, no people on the sidewalks, the shops were closed as well. Still, we were expected to complete all the assignments and the projects and submit them before due. Most colleges did the same thing.
 One of the engineering colleges wasn't ready to conduct online lectures for the students because they thought classroom education has no substitute. Eventually, they had to make provisions for the online lectures as the lockdown kept on extending.

The days were quite monotonous at one point. Attending lectures, completing assignments consumed 25% of the day. Around the same time, the Mumbai University declared that they would disclose the decision for the students on 8th May. Most people were convinced that the exams will be postponed to August but the rising number of COVID-19 patients wasn't indicating so. All the students work hard throughout the term to appear for their final examinations. It may or not be the most awaited moment for all. Students were confused about the end of their semesters.

Almost all Indians use WhatsApp. Just like other platforms, it a place where a lot of unverified news is found. Such news gets more forwarded than the authentic ones. That is human nature.
On 7th May, one of my friends forwarded me a video featuring a man who claimed to know the decision of the University. In the video, he claimed that the exams will be conducted just for the students in the final years of their respective programs. That meant we won't be having any exams!
My friend told me not to forward it as he was skeptical about the authenticity of the video. It was obvious; the news was too good to be true.

On the 8th of May, the official news was declared. There won't be any examinations for us!
I can't say the students were really happy, they were just relieved to hear about the end of their semester well in advance. No one likes those surprises of course… 
The University did the right thing for the students. There were a lot of students locked down in their villages without any preparation. The exams for medical students were to be conducted. I know the medical students and the students who have to take the annual tests must be upset. But now we know how important it is for a country to have a strong and dependable medical staff!
So let us all cheer and support our medical students as well who one day aspire to join the field.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the Semester was officially done for most of the students. We can treat the coming days like our official summer vacations. You can do anything you want in these days, staying inside our homes of course!
You can read books, talk to the friends whom you haven't talked to lately, you can learn a new skill or you can just have a great time with your family.
The reason I'm saying because once your college hands out the schedule of online lectures for the next term, you'll think that you just wasted time sleeping and worrying about what's going outside. I know it's difficult not to think about it. But hey! It is what it is, it won't change just because you're worried. You're young and you don't deserve to worry about the things that you aren't in control of.

Focus more on your mental health cause that's the way you can help yourself stay cheerful during these times. Keep yourself busy with something or other because I promise you, you won't get this amount of time again in your lifetime.
Stay indoors, take care of your family, and hope that everything will be better till I post the second blog.
See you next time…


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Jitu! Thanks for the support πŸ˜„

  2. Thank you Ayush! I'll be happy to post many more posts like these. Truly appreciate your support brother 😊

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you dude! Your support means a lot to me 😊

  4. Blog likhke hamare authorities ko bhi bol exam cancel karneπŸ’«πŸ˜‚
    But yes very well written though 🀟🏼

    1. It's too late, they've already taken the decision.😣
      I wish I could help
      Thanks for the kind words dude πŸ˜ŠπŸ’―

  5. Very nicely written.
    Good job mateπŸ‘

    1. Thank you mate!
      Truly grateful for your support 😊

  6. Bruhhhh, the struggle and anxiety was real before 8th. I took a real gamble before it by not attending online lectures and doing assignment. But it was worth it α•™( ~ . ~ )α•—

    1. I know, that was a big decision. I'm happy that it worked out well for you 😊


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