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Can FAUG replace PUBG in India?

 Can FAUG replace PUBG in India?

26 January it is!
Finally, after months of delay and advertising, the game ‘FAUG’ will be launched. The announcement of this game was done right after PUBG was banned. PUBG was the most popular game in India at that given time. It was beautifully crafted by its developers and was capable of giving a seamless experience even to the users with mid-budget phones.
It had servers all over the globe to ensure a proper user experience.
With that being said, it’s a challenge for the developers of FAUG to deliver a game based on the benchmark set by PUBG.
Can they nail it?
Is FAUG really worth the hype?

Mobile Gaming in India:
It’s appreciable that a Company from a country where the mobile gaming industry is booming is developing an actual multiplayer game. To be honest, it’s not an easy task. Along with the graphics and the physics of the game, networking should also be taken care of. And looking at what PUBG had delivered us, it is a big challenge.

The main reason the Indian youth prefers mobile gaming is that computer gaming is still a luxury for many. The import taxes that come along with the graphic cards make them an add-on to the computer system and hence, avoided by the people with a tight budget. Most people prefer spending money on smartphones because they’re affordable as compared to those gaming machines. Hence, games like PUBG Mobile and Mobile Legends are sought after by the people. Cheap rates of internet data also contribute to this.

It was banned a few months ago and there was anguish amongst the gamers because of it. It was banned because PUBG and many other Chinese applications were suspected to send the user’s data to China and many other security reasons of that nature. Many states had banned the game already because of the violence that it promoted. But, there exist a lot of apps that have much more violent content in them. Anyway, it’s only the parents’ responsibility to monitor the type of content their child consumes. Opinions about such things are subjective and hence, there is no need of banning any applications or web services on this basis. I wish there comes a time where no country in the world needs any kind of digital censorship.

The announcement of the game FAUG was done soon after PUBG was banned and everyone was taken aback by surprise. Replacing a mainstream game that was absolutely dominating the free mobile gaming industry was not an easy task. There was so much to be looked after!

The People’s reaction to the release:
There are few people who believe that PUBG was banned so that they can leverage the audience playing the game into playing FAUG. Some are still disappointed that the game was banned in the first place.
On the other hand, people are excited cause there hasn’t been any Indian Company that has created hype as big as nCore Games. ( Developers of FAUG)
Of course, that are many other Indian Game companies that are doing pretty well and trying out new things. But, they never got the support that they deserve.

Talking about the people’s support, a game shouldn’t have been promoted in a way so that it claims to compete with other games. Every game is unique in its own way. And, FAUG isn’t the pride of India yet. It hasn’t created any benchmark in the gaming industry yet; It hasn’t even been released yet!
People promoting it that way must understand that the game will be noticed by the gaming community if it actually offers the experience that it promises. Selling it in the name of nationalism will only bring dissatisfaction among the people after its release.

Of course, any game goes through a lot of iterations for becoming a game that people enjoy playing. Even your favorite PUBG mobile wasn’t great in its first version. It took a lot of effort along with the feedbacks by the gamers to be known as the game it is known around the world.

It’s extremely good that a lot of games are being developed in India, many of which are based on fresh concepts. A game like Raji: An Ancient Epic is getting noticed globally and it's totally worth playing if you’re into gaming. In a country where independent creators fear things like lack of funding and getting crushed by big companies, games like Raji: An Ancient Epic are the hopes for the establishment of companies where programmers interested in the field would pursue game development.

26 January is indeed a special day for us Indians. I’m glad nCore games chose this day to release their game. I’m looking forward to playing it with my friends. It is great that someone out there is making moves in the gaming industry while gaming and game development is still considered a waste of time and money.
Do let me know if you guys are excited about this game.
With that being said, I wish you a Happy Republic Day! Jai Hind! 


  1. I agree with you. One should judge a game when it is out in the market. We should first see the gameplay, is it enjoyable or not. Is FAUG a multiplayer PvE or PvP game, or is it a Single player game. We know nothing. Overhyping a game when It is not out and no gameplay is seen will bring nothing but disappointment if it doesn't meets the expectation. Looking forward to try FAUG when it comes out tho

    1. Yes, FAUG has got a lot of publicity of that kind and it's not correct. I've seen the teaser and I loved it. I hope they give their best shot. Moreover, I hope people get inspired to get into game development.
      Yes, will surely play FAUG with you bro!
      Enjoy your day.


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